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Companies That Walk the Talk deliver a 300% ROI!

Updated: Jan 3

After decades of proven ROI, CEOs still aren't getting it!!! So here's some more proof that this stuff actually works!

We all know that a company's values (ideally only 3 - and none of the standard ones like "integrity", etc... ) serve as the foundation for its culture. But simply defining values is not enough - organizations must actively weave them into day-to-day operations to drive results. It's concluded (again and again), values-driven leadership boosts performance. I get that this stuff is hard, but the returns are huge.

Hand crossing out "EXCUSES" in white, replacing it with "RESULTS" in bold yellow on black background, conveying determination.

A 2022 McKinsey survey of 1,000 companies found that those ranking in the top quartile for adherence to their stated values achieved on average 25% higher workforce productivity than those in the bottom quartile. They also experienced 20% higher customer satisfaction scores and 30% higher profit margins over a 5 year period. This data shows that walking the talk on values directly impacts the bottom line for small and mid-sized businesses.

That is HUGE. Case closed!!! But here's some more data in case...

Another study by HR advisory firm Energage in 2021 looked specifically at organizations with 100-500 employees. They found a strong correlation between values alignment and growth - companies that exceeded industry benchmarks for values integration grew revenue nearly 2x as fast as those lagging behind over a 3 year period. Values-driven firms also averaged 18% higher employee retention rates.

The key is integrating values into day-to-day operations, not just posting them on the wall. As leadership expert Patrick Lencioni writes, “Values can set a company apart in a positive way if - and only if - they are lived.”

One classic mistake many leaders make is that they don't detail the behaviors expected when it comes to a value. If we say "Be accountable" as an example, asking 3 people will provide 3 definitions - so what happens? Everyone gets confused. Hop tip: Detail each headline value and their expected behaviors so there is no doubt on expectations.

To weave values into the fabric of your culture:

  • Align values to every existing team member and ensure/support their behaviors to endeavor to live them every day.

  • Assess all hiring decisions based on the values. Culture first, skills and experience second.

  • Incorporate values criteria into performance reviews and promotion decisions. Recognize those modeling the values.

  • Address behaviors inconsistent with core values through coaching or discipline if needed. Values only stick if bad behavior have consequences.

  • Celebrate and share stories of employees demonstrating the values. Make it part of the company narrative.

  • Keep values front and center in internal communications and training. Continual reinforcement is key.

With intentional, consistent effort, your company's values can shape an empowered and high-performance culture. Employees will be intrinsically motivated to uphold standards that allows the organization to achieve its mission but also be very motivating for themselves. The research shows this pays dividend across the board - when values truly come to life for your team, the sky is the limit.

Go on... There are no excuses now...

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