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Act Now or Live in Regret

Updated: Dec 24, 2024

As a founder/CEO several times over, I know all about setting strategy, striving for ambitious goals and empowering teams to help get there. But sometimes, no matter what you try, things are just not working. You then engage your peers or a coach, or perhaps read some books and identify ways to make change. Whether it's implementing a new methodology across your company like EOS/Scaling Up, or redoing the OKRs you've once set up, or changing leadership, there is always something you could level up and improve.

Black alarm clock on scattered US dollar bills on wooden surface, symbolizing time and money. Clock shows 10:10.

You then decide, well when things improve, I'll spend the money to make that change in the future. The irony is, you actually can't afford to delay. And I've learned that the hard way in my first business, which is why it took me 11 years to get to breakout success and record profits. Anyway, I digress...

In my career, delaying clear steps towards leveling up our company and teams, always caused more havoc. As a wise coach once told me when I reflected on my mistakes,

"Eddie, the best time you could have done that was then, the second best time is now!"

That has stuck with me, and I just want other leaders to learn from my mistakes.

From my experience, the most successful companies constantly focus on getting better, even when business seems to be going well. They recognize that standing still means falling behind. By taking steps now to implement improved systems for goal setting, accountability, and culture alignment, you position your company for greater achievements when it matters most.

Some leaders fall into the trap of believing they need to wait for an opportune time to make major changes. They plan to act when business slows down, or they hit a rough patch that spurs them to action. But by waiting until problems arise, you lose the benefits of compounding positive returns over time. The best time to act is well NOW. Regardless of whether the business is strong or not.

Additionally, big changes simply take time to cascade through an organization. If you wait to implement new performance initiatives until you desperately need results, you may not achieve the full benefits before it's too late. However, efforts put in motion now have time to take hold and make a meaningful difference.

While cost is always a valid concern, the price of doing nothing over the long-term is far greater. Stalled growth resulting from maintaining status quo will hurt your competitiveness exponentially more than investment made today to enable growth.

As a leader, it's your responsibility to make farsighted decisions that set your company up for success both today and tomorrow. Be the catalyst that drives positive change now, and you will reap the rewards many times over. Delay only puts you further behind.

The time to act is now. It will be worth every penny.

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