Aaron Levie, founder and CEO of Box, the enterprise cloud company, "At any given time, " Aaron said, "some significant percentile or people are working on the wrong things. The challenge is knowing which one."

Above is an actual scoreboard from first software consulting/software company that successfully exited in 2011
If public goals are more achievable, because they are public, why do so few leaders and organizations not share their goals/numbers?
Can you imagine if an athlete on any field, (football, soccer, rugby, baseball, etc), not see the score or the time left? How would they perform? It still blows my mind when I speak with leaders about how they share the goals and performance with their teams and they say, in a quarterly town hall. After the fact?
What would happen if an athlete on the field wouldn't know if they won or lost until 3 months later?
Sharing the metrics is one thing, and sharing the actuals in a near real time basis is next level.
Simply put, sharing fosters a culture of trust and collaboration within your company. When leaders share the company’s performance and goals, they are essentially placing trust in their teams. This, in turn, empowers the teams, making them feel valued and respected. It nurtures a culture where employees, too, are motivated to reciprocate the trust by aligning their efforts towards the company goals.
At SKOR, we believe sharing goals and results with your team as the game (or quarter) is playing out is key to winning.
When everyone knows the score, something exciting happens. Teams push harder, work together, and find new ways to score points because they know exactly what’s needed to win. It’s not just about working hard but working smart and together towards a clear, shared goal.
In a company, when leaders share goals and how the company is doing, it does a couple of cool things. First, it shows the team that leaders trust them with this important info. That feels good and builds a strong, positive work culture. Second, it turns every team member into a player who can see how their work helps the company score points and win.
At SKOR, we’re all about helping your team see the score, understand the plays, and celebrate the wins together. We’re here to help you share your company’s goals and scores in a way that’s easy and exciting for everyone to follow.
And in turn see the company exceed its goals.