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Want to build a Culture of Accountability?

Updated: Dec 24, 2024

As a CEO, your actions set the tone for your entire organization. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that your role exempts you from the day-to-day grind and the values you preach. However, the opposite is true. Your team looks to you for cues on how to behave, and if you want them to be accountable and committed, you must lead by example.

Why Your Act

Being Accountable

ions Matter

Your team observes your behavior closely, taking both implicit and explicit direction from you. If you’re not holding yourself to the same standards you expect from them, it’s unreasonable to expect them to rise to the occasion. By embodying the values you want to see in your team, you create a culture of accountability and commitment. Here's how you can start making a change today.

Three Tips for Leaders to Make Change

1. Walk the Talk

One of the most powerful ways to inspire your team is to consistently demonstrate the behaviors and values you expect from them. If you want your team to be punctual, be the first one in the office and the last one to leave. If you value transparency, share both successes and failures openly. Your actions will speak louder than any policy or directive.

2. Own Your Mistakes

Accountability starts at the top. When you make a mistake, own it. Publicly acknowledge where things went wrong and what you’re doing to fix it. This shows your team that it’s okay to make mistakes as long as you take responsibility and learn from them. It also sets a precedent for how they should handle their own errors.

3. Follow Through on Commitments

If you want your team to deliver on their promises, you must do the same. Whether it’s a deadline, a meeting, or a commitment to a project, ensure you follow through. This builds trust and demonstrates that you value and respect the commitments you make to others.


Being a CEO isn’t just about making big decisions and steering the company strategy. It’s also about setting an example and being the embodiment of the values you want to see in your team. By walking the talk, owning your mistakes, and following through on commitments, you inspire your team to do the same. Remember, leadership isn’t about telling people what to do—it’s about showing them how it’s done.

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